
  • The kickoff to an evening of decadent and delightful food service!
  • Give guests a taste of what's to come for the evening
  • Allows guests to try multiple options and enjoy a little something before the main meal for the evening
  • Elevated bar packages or non-alcoholic drink stations are a fun way to ensure everyone stays hydrated 


  • Appetizers could be butlered to your guests, or setup as a stationary display
  • If the evening is more casual, consider stationary appetizers. If the evening is more elegant, consider passed appetizers or even a combination of both. It is important to also consider the layout and if guests will have flowing access to displayed appetizers, avoid bottle necking
  • More waitstaff is typically needed with passed appetizers to ensure everyone gets a taste
  • Consider adding personal touches with signature cocktails, mocktails or specialty drink stations like margarita bars and liquid courage lemonade bar