The Best Thing since Sliced Bread
Posted to: Recipes by Donna Levy on Jan 29, 2020Check out our latest article in Wake Living magazine.
A crisp, chewy, golden brown crust, steam rising from the fluffy inside, freshly baked and riddled with airy holes, there’s something inherently comforting and soul-satisfying about bread. Bread has such a place in our lives and culture that even those who adhere to a gluten-free diet are in search of the perfect replacement that mimics the taste and texture of traditional bread. Even if you grew up with mass-produced sliced bread, in its plastic bag passing time on grocery store shelves, walking into a bakery with the ovens going full force is bound to touch your “carby” soul.{%22issue_id%22:635702,%22publication_id%22:%2227802%22,%22page%22:40}